Vuosi: 1918
Kesto: 3 mins
Kuvaus: I. 'KING & THE DOVER PATROL. H.M. presents medals to gallant skippers of the famous Drifter Patrol.' MS as the King, wearing overcoat and Army uniform, shakes hands with naval personnel - one army officer is among those presented. Medals are presented to RNR Lieutenants and warrant officers. A number of nurses watch the ceremony. MCU of two petty officers and a Lieutenant wearing their DSCs.II. 'REMOUNTS IN EGYPT. Entraining Mules and Horses at a depot.' Australian troopers drive the animals into wagons, tying their halters to the bars once they are inside. The cars are closed up, the men fall in by the track and the train starts to move off.III. 'SHAMROCK DAY. Presentation of Erin's Emblem to officers and men of the London Irish by the wife of the Brig. Gen.' The battalion is fallen in at its barracks. A table has been set up beneath the Regimental Flag. The wife of the CO presents shamrocks to officers, who in turn distribute them to the men. After tucking the sprigs into their cap bands, the men give the customary cheers.IV. 'M. CLEMENCEAU AND THE "SAMMIES". After a series of German attacks brilliantly repulsed by the Americans the French President distributes decorations.' Clémenceau with retinue of French and US officers - there is snow on the ground. A French general officer presents the decorations and after a speech by the American commander, Clémenceau shakes hands with the newly decorated men. The French depart.V. 'CANADIAN COMMANDER HONOURED. Belgian General decorates General Sir A. Currie, Commanding Canadian Corps, with the Grand Order of the Crown of Belgium.' Rather poorly focused sequence showing a decoration in the field before a small group of Currie's staff. The Belgian general - a small figure with his back to the camera - pins the order onto the tunic of the very much bigger, taller Currie. The men exchange salutes.
I. King George V decorates members of the Dover Patrol.II. Horses are entrained in Egypt.III. Shamrock ceremony for reserve battalion of the London Irish Rifles on St Patrick's Day.IV. Clémenceau decorates US troops serving in France.V. Lieutenant-General Sir Arthur Currie is made Grand Officier of the Belgian Ordre de la Couronne.
Avainsanat: EFG1914 / World War I / George V, King / Clemenceau, Georges E B / Currie, Arthur William / Royal Navy, Dover Patrol / British Army, Egyptian Expeditionary Force, Remount Squadron 44 / British Army, London Regiment, Bn 18 / British Army, Royal Ulster Rifles / United States Army / World War, 1914-1918 -- United States / Canadian Army, Canadian Expeditionary Force / ceremonies, British - state: investiture / animals, mammals: horse / transport, British military - rail: horse transport / ceremonies, Irish - customary: Saint Patrick's Day / ceremonies, Irish - event-related: presentation of shamrocks / ceremonies, French - state: investiture / delegations, French international - state: Clemenceau visits US troops / ceremonies, Canadian - event-related: investiture / Dover, Kent, England, UK / Egypt / Belgium / World War, 1914-1918 -- Belgium
Sisältölähde: Imperial War Museums
Oikeudet: In Copyright / Imperial War Museums
Tuotantoyhtiö: Topical Film Company
Väri: Black & White
Sound: Without sound